Sigma 610 DG-ST with diffuser-softbox;
Extension tubes (when lens is reversed);
No stacking.
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Aperture - f/16.0; shutter speed - 1/160; iso 500
Aperture - f/16.0; shutter speed - 1/200; iso 400
Aperture - f/16.0; shutter speed - 1/200; iso 100
Eye of Green-Eyed Hawker:
Aperture - f/16.0; shutter speed - 1/160; iso 500
Aperture - f/16.0; shutter speed - 1/200; iso 800
Aperture - f/16.0; shutter speed - 1/125; iso 320
Tiny Hover-Fly (about 10mm):
Aperture - f/16.0; shutter speed - 1/160; iso 100
Aperture - f/16.0; shutter speed - 1/50; iso 500
Aperture - f/16.0; shutter speed - 1/200; iso 500
Video recorded with this lens: